Thank you for your interest in Veranova. We sincerely encourage qualified applicants to apply directly on our website ( or our careers job portal (

We would like to caution you to be vigilant of internet, phone and email scams, which are intended to defraud potential candidates into believing they are applying for a job with Veranova.

Intended victims may be invited to participate in fake interviews, asked to fill out fabricated employment applications and, on occasion, have even issued fake offer letters, with the ultimate goal of trying to entice victims to pay money or provide sensitive personal information.

Please be on alert if you encounter any of the items below that appear suspicious or just “too good to be true.”


  • Be wary of unsolicited communications from individuals or websites that you do not know or you have not previously visited. Be especially cautious if you receive an unsolicited communication from a recruiter who claims to have found your resume on a website that you are not familiar with.
  • Communications to and from our recruiters and hiring managers will only come from “” email addresses. Veranova will not contact you for an opening from a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or similar account.
  • Be cautious of any requests during the application stage for personal information, such as social security number, date of birth, bank accounts, etc.
  • Communications about a role that does not appear on the Veranova official recruiting website or does not have a complete job description.


  • Be wary of interviews conducted in chat rooms. Veranova will not conduct chat-based interviews.

General Red Flags

  • Veranova does not require candidates to purchase equipment (laptops, cellphones, etc.), even if successfully hired, as part of the onboarding process.
  • Veranova will not mail you checks or wire you funds for you to purchase any equipment. Any payments made by Veranova will come directly from an account under Veranova’s official name. Do not trust checks or payments from any other sources.
  • During the hiring process, Veranova will not request any payments of any kind (cash, gift cards, etc.).

Please do not hesitate to contact us at the emails below if you think that a communication or career opportunity that you have received from Veranova may not be legitimate.

If you have been a target of fraud scheme, you are encouraged to file a claim with your state attorney general’s office and/or the Federal Trade Commission at


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